The document below is for a farm tenancy tender from 1912. It seems to correlate to Church Town Farm in Saltash. If you any information on the history of Tincombe itself, please contact us.
Bewes AND TINCOMBES TENEMENTS, otherwise HOBBS and CROSS FARM, St. Stephens-by-Saltash, Cornwall__To be LET by TENDER for 132 years from June 24, 1912, the farm known as Bewes and Tincombes Tenements, otherwise Hobbs and Cross Farm, in the Parish of St. Stephens-by-Saltash, in the County of Cornwall, containing about 27a, 1r. 21p., with farm house and outbuildings.
The tenant will have to pay for all labour done one the farm, and for seed in the ground, and for the grass and for all rhubarb, broad beans, raspberries, and other produce on those parts of the farm now used as Market Gardens, and also pay the consumptive value for all un-spent muck, dung, and compost, and for all other compensation to which the present tenants may be entitled under the term of their holding.
The property may be inspected on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays after 1 p.m., on application on the premises to Mr. J S Goodman.
The conditions of letting, with the draft of lease, may be seen at the residence of Mr, W. N. Rawling, Tonacombe, Saltash, before 10 a.m or after 7 p.m.
Tenders to be seen on or before 10 a.m. on Wednesday, the Eighth day of May next, and further particulars to be applied for to the undersigned.
The highest or any tender will not be necessarily be accepted.
WHITEFORD and BENNETT, Solicitors, 17, Courtenay-street, Plymouth.
24th April, 1912