A Massive Thank You to the small team that planted the Willow Dome here at Tincombe on 25th April 2021 and to everyone one who has helped make this happen.
So many people have made this happen. Firstly Shojiro Frank for donating all the Willows from his own garden and to his daughter for all her help.
Thanks to Adrian White for being head gardener for the event, Chris Haverson for doing all the tough jobs!
Also thanks to Jay Williams for making sure our Willows were looked after while we were waiting for permission from CORMAC and Cornwall Council to plant the dome.
More thanks are in order to David Weldon for supplying the manure and to Elaine May for the wheelbarrow! Ah and without Jane Young we would have died a thirst!.
It was a great afternoon with local people walking by to see our progress.

The dome will take shape over the next few months and will soon become a great space for your little ones to investigate.

We will update the photos as our dome progresses!